How Will Krav Maga Be Thought Now?

Krav Maga is a super self defence system. This is my 9th year teaching Krav Maga in Portlaoise , Co. Laois, Ireland

The Club consists of Junior , Teen and Adult Krav Maga Learners. I also have recently qualified as a strength and Conditioning coach. I run Adult Combat & Conditioning classes they supplement Adult Krav Maga practice and implementation with growing ,very positive outcomes.

Recently I have started to do some zoom Lessons for Juniors and Adults. This is an interesting undertaking and works very well for interaction and productive learning of some special sequences I have developed to enhance the Junior students understanding of Krav Maga fundamentals. For example the 360 Degree defence secquence, with and without a counter strike. Basic punch and Kick Defences also with and without a counter strike. Plus many, more concepts and principles improving their technical development and delivery in self defence situations.

The adult Zoom lessons started a week ago . I was really looking forward to starting this one as I have had a sincere realisation of how important each and every student is to me. I have greatly missed them all during this six weeks of the Covid – 19 Pandemic. Before I entered the first Zoom lesson I was putting the final touches to my lesson preparation. They were all unmuted and there was great banter going on between them. So I believe for me and them the online Zoom lesson is important for us all staying in touch . Belonging to a wonderful group of people and to have something to do and virtually somewhere to go on a Thursday night at 7pm , learning and keeping in contact with each other. This would be their regular night and time for training anyway. I choose this slot purposefully to attach some level of normality to the week. Teens have also joined in this class , I even have a family of four in it. Dad, Mam, and two son’s. However I also heard them all saying they are so looking forward to get back together on the mat’s for the real deal . Proper KRAV MAGA training.

So what is Proper Krav Maga Training Now ?

Good Question and their really is only one answer. It’s just like it was before. Without sounding irresponsible or acting in a reckless manner. I am all for Health and Safety, staying healthy and disease free. I want know-one in the club to be injured, or become sick.

However I teach realistic self defence. “The kind that means that you have to do anything and everything in your power to save your life or your family, or a third party.” There is no PPE available in the street and you can’t put on gloves and a surgical mask when someone is tying to cave our skull in with a hammer.

The attackers , Sex Offenders ,Criminals and Opportunists will still be active. They will not respect two meter Social Distancing. They may have their own form of PPE in the wearing of a balaclava and black leather gloves. Their tactics and the motives will be much the same as before.

So I think the risks , apart from the obvious one’s already there will have been uped a knotch. We should always continue to work on staying healthy in mind, body and spirit. Personal Hygine and Proper hand washing before and after class will go along way, to protect yourself and others. If you feel unwell stay away from training until you feel better.

I looking forward to getting back to our studio in the near furture

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